make a folder that cannot be deleted

Ever mistakenly deleted some important files? Ever wanted to
prevent mistaken deletion of some files? Ever tried to make the folder  undeletable? - and all this without any success? The "saviour" is here now.

Try to create a folder normally with any of these
 name: con, aux, lpt1 - lpt9.
You should realize that it is not possible in explorer

To make a folder undeletable in windows
(no matter the version). follow
these steps:

  1. Open the "black window" (Command Prompt).
  2. To learn how to do this,
  3. see how to access the command prompt.
2. To make a directory/folder in command prompt,
the command to use is mkdir or md. Assumming the disk on which am creating the folder is E:, i type mkdir \\.\E:\con and press enter

3. Now, you have an undeletable folder into which
you can securely keep
important file (even XXX file, lol).

4. Try to delete this folder by right clicking
and pressing delete.
You'll see this is not possible

Learn how to delete this folder or Another way to make this folder


  1. Kokosatsi mate '07March 26, 2012 at 7:59 PM

    What if i go into ubuntu...oh oh, SMACK! the folder is gone..

    1. The names aux, lpt, etc are device names reserved in windows os - for printers and other devices.
      in linux, you can make the file immutable by using the code

      sudo chattr +i /directory

      (assuming you are a privileged user)

  2. This folder can be deleted even without a third party software. even the mystery zhengbo folder is deletable with unlocker. The secret here is an average pc user cannot delete it with his normal right click and delete method. see how to delete this here


    Try using Win98, Win98SE, or WindowsME, then do this on the COMMAND PROMPT:
    For New Folder:
    * First Create a Folder by the command MD then the name you desire.. for example you created a "PORN" folder LOL...
    * After creating type REN PORN PORN and press ALT+255 I use 255 so it is easier to remember. YOu can see that the folder PORN is now "PORN_"
    *GO to the folder let see if you can rename, open, or even delete.

    To UNDO:
    * type REN PORN ALT+255 PORN (note: no space between PORN ALT+255

    There you have it... but only works win98 and ME LOL


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