Fix "THIS COPY OF WINDOWS IS NOT GENUINE" message in simple steps

OK! Straight to the point. That boring message that appears when you start your computer telling you to 'get genuine' can easily be fixed. It at times appears at the bottom right of your screen. Follow theses steps to fix it.
1. Start your computer in safe mode

2. Open task manager and end the wgatray.exe process

3. Delete the file c:\windows\wgatray.exe

4. Delete c:\windows\system32\wgatray.exe

5. Launch regedit (or any other registry editor)

6. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\Notify

7. Delete the wgaLogon folder

8. Restart your pc.

This process should disable the notifications, but it may return when you use automatic updates. To ensure it does not return (ever again), do these:

1. Go to control panel > security centre > automatic update settings

2. Disable automatic update of Windows Genuine Advantage Notification Tool

This should solve the problem (fully) -

Any comments/help? Put them below.

You can view another way of doing this with third party software here


  1. "This process should disable the notifications, but it may return when you use automatic updates. To ensure it does not return (ever again), do these"

    this means either way you will not be able to receive updates from microsoft which is very important to system.

    1. This removes update of notifications only, other updates are available.
      There are other methods, hacks of wgatray.exe, modified versions, but this method is the suggested on Microsoft website.

      You can consider sharing any other method you know here.

  2. Thanks for updating us with the above steps that and i had noticed that this problem used to often creep up. But now, No more,Thanks to you!!

    1. Its a pleasure to see someone helped by my post. keep reading my blog. Want to ask a question? ask here


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