These procedure is targeted to china phones or any other phone that takes manual settings. Follow the procedures below to set up your phone to access the internet. The instructions are divided into two. PART ONE: DATA ACCOUNT SETTINGS 1. Go to services in your phone menu and select data account. 2. Click on any item there to edit (or add new if your phone has the option) 3. set the NAME to Ghana MTN or any other name suitable for you 4. Set the APN or access point to INTERNET 5. Leave every other option blank and choose OK to save. You can now proceed to the second part. PART TWO: INTERNET SERVICE SETTINGS 1. Go to internet settings in the services menu 2. Choose settings
It's time to sing praises to the Lord. Sing praises to the Lord, who dwells in Zion, Declare among the people His deeds. Psalms 9:11 Download the app from the Google Play Store This brought me to design a new app with hymns and prayers. The hymns are taken from the Ewe Catholic Hymnal, Dziƒomɔ. This app contains all the hymns (including the latin hymns) in the Dziƒomɔ , the hymnal and prayer book for catholics who speak the Ewe language. It also contains some prayers from the Dziƒomɔ . The app hopes to cater for people without the hymn book or who will prefer to use their smart phones for searching hymns rather than the hymnal since the app has greater flexibility of use compared to the hard copy of the hymn and prayer book. Some of the features included in the app are listed below.
I must admit, apart from a few other things, playing pranks is one of the most enjoyable feelings in the world. (Unless the joke is on you). I will therefore like to make a distinction between a joke and wickedness. A prank when taken to the extreme and results in damage to another person is callous; wiping someone's hard disk clean is gross wickedness but hiding his data for a few minutes and restoring it after he "sweats" a little may pass for a prank. OK! In this post, we are going to make the right mouse button act as the left and the left as the right. Imagine the look on your friend's face when he wakes up to see everything upside down. Though this can be done in control panel under mouse settings but in this post, i'll show a .bat file method of doing it. Copy the code below, paste it into notepad and save it with a .bat extension (e.g. swap.bat).
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