Electronic Voting Application

Hey guys, I thought about the problems that usually crop up in paper voting and decided to implement the voting system in software. The project is ongoing but i would also like to know what functionality you would expect in your ideal electronic voting software.

Currently, the program runs the kind of voting where people stand for a particular office and one person is voted by the voters for each office (An Election).

I hopes to implements other vote kinds later. In the mean time, you can send your suggestions as to what to add or remove to make it an ideal program.

The software is implemented in the Java(TM) programming language. It is a client - server software where the clients can vote and the server collates the votes on the go. The client can also be run on a web page so that the voting can be done by visiting a site on which the applet of the client is.

The program is however pluggable and prospective plugin writers can contact me for the necessary files and enquiries.

This program will be out on the ................................ Well, i cant really tell, but i hope it will be out for testing soon.



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