
Showing posts from October, 2017

My Java Journey–Installing the necessary software

This is part of the series of posts on My Java Journey. In order to follow the discussions, please do well to read the previous post before proceeding to this one. If you haven’t read any of the posts, I encourage you to start here . Before we begin some real work, we have to make sure all necessary software are properly installed and configured. I’ll take you through the installation of the Java Development Kit (JDK 9) and Eclipse IDE on Windows. Unfortunately, I will not cover installation on Mac or Linux. I will however provide some links below the post that will guide the users of Mac or Linux to install the necessary software. Installing the JDK (6 minutes) If you haven’t downloaded the JDK already (I wonder what you’re waiting for), go ahead and download it from here . Below are the screens you will see during the installation process. I advise you keep the default settings unless you know what you are doing. 1. Launch the installer and press yes when prompted for use...

My Java Journey - What you need

Welcome to the third post in this series of posts that attempts to introduce the beginner to programming using Java. Before you get started, I hope you have read the previous write-up about what Java is . Any way, I have some Good news - Everything you need to write programs in Java can be obtained free online. Text Editor You will need a text editor to type the instructions that the computer will execute as your program. These instructions that you type are called your source code . The text editor you need here must be a plain text editor. In other words, it should not be able to add text formatting like bolding, italicizing and underlining. On a windows machine, you can use notepad. It is not advisable to use rich text editors like Wordpad, MS Word, Text Edit(Mac), etc. If it becomes crucial to your health that you should use one of those, please remember not to format the text and save it as plain text. There are however some specialised text editors that make programming ...