
Showing posts from 2016

SA File Sharer - Say goodbye to file size limits

Introducing the new SA File Sharer . This app was developed to make file sharing easier through the most used instant messaging application, WhatsApp. Due to the limitations on the sizes of files that can be sent through WhatsApp, SA file sharer imposed those limitations on its users. Main Screen Finally, the days for those limitations are over. Users can now share Gigabytes of data if they want to. How? Its simple. The latest version of SA File Sharer breaks your files into multiple pieces which it then sends to the recipient(s). At the recipient's side, the files are rejoined together into the original form.  One other limitation posed by the instant messaging app is that, you can send only ten media at a time. For this, SA File Sharer sends files larger than 1GB in groups of 10 chunks each.  Send Huge Files with SA File Sharer To avoid misuse (and earn some coins :) as well), Users only have a default of 300MB to share. Sad right?, Wrong. Users have t...

Whatsapp file sharer becomes SA File Sharer

Your favourite app, Whatsapp file sharer, an app which enables you to send files easily and quickly to others on your WhatsApp instant messenger contact list is no longer on play store. This is due to the fact that, it did violate a trademark right of WhatsApp Inc in its use of the name WhatsApp. Worse was that, the app icon clearly resembled that of WhatsApp. The updated version of the app, SA File Sharer , has been uploaded to play store. Please install it. It will help you uninstall the previous version if it is still installed on your device. For more information, contact me . NEW SA File Sharer

How to use the WhatsApp File Sharer app

The WhatsApp file sharer app  enables you to share any type of file via WhatsApp. The following is a short information on how to make the best use of it. After installation, launch the app there are two tabs, the SEND and RECEIVE tabs to send a file, you should use the send tabs the files you receive show up in the received tabs SENDING A FILE 1. Launch the app and swipe to the SEND tab if it doesn't already open 2. Tap on the SELECT button. This opens up a file browser from which you select the file you wish to send 3. Tap the SEND button. WhatsApp is automatically launched 4. Select the contact or group you wish to send the file to and tap send RECEIVING A FILE 1. Launch the app and swipe to the RECEIVED tab 2. The file shows there with the WhatsApp-assigned file name. All files already extracted show up with a green tick, otherwise, it comes with a red cross 3. To recheck for new files, over-swipe down or click the REFRESH icon on the action bar. 4. Tap on the...

WhatsApp File Sharer

Have you ever wanted to share an android or windows program with a friend who is not around you? Or have you ever wanted to send a file which is too large to be sent by E-mail and is unsupported by most file sharing apps, Never worry, your remedy is here The new WhatsApp File Sharer allows you to send any type of file through WhatsApp. Yes, any type of file. It embeds the file into a PDF document and sends it to any user or group you select. Once the file is sent, a notification is received and the file can be extracted. It is a very simple way of sending files directly through WhatsApp. Good part is, you can send videos, audios and images which are larger than the default WhatsApp limit of 16MB.